Sunday, April 3, 2005

A Villanelle -- for L

The Promise

As the scent of promise ascends on the sultry breeze
it rings the world in gold, a diamond in the rainfall --
and travels the globe with Spring's guarantee.

The Iris peeks through the sodden earth and sees
Morning Glories climbing the garden wall
as the scent of promise ascends on the sultry breeze.

April wafts in through the budding trees,
embroiders them in green, like a bridal shawl
and travels the globe with Spring's guarantee.

The dawn's colors sing, and the robin agrees;
together they vow to forever rebuke fall
as the scent of promise ascends on the sultry breeze.

Bouquets and blossoms serve as the dowry
as sun and rain are joined and enthralled
and travel the globe with Spring's guarantee.

It's the season of lovers that the sun has appeased
and this amazing rebirth reassures us all;
the scent of promise ascends on the sultry breeze
and travels the globe with Spring's guarantee.

This is one of the hardest most structured forms I've ever attempted. I did a few in highschool, this is the first one in, what. . . 18 years?


  1. I'm not so good at reviewing structured stuff, you might have to wait for Nan for this one. I do want to say, I'm proud of you and I appreciate the challenge you faced to do this.

  2. lol thanks V, I won't even argue with you on this one. I'm too proud of myself for getting a villanelle done :)

  3. 'bout damned time!
