Monday, April 10, 2006

just a link

Today I set you free
to be who you need to be
Our paths crossed
In a magical place

It was the perfect choice
But your heart was too fragile
Our destination was not meant to be

Day by day, reflections
Of us in shattered glass
This is a place I can never return
Our destiny was never meant to be

Poems of love will now fade
Trails of tears will be distant
In the oasis two soul mates
Stand with faces silent

The thunder of forgotten dreams
Will now sound throughout infinite
May you be at peace
Under a gossamer sky
And fly on the wings of an angel
Throughout your journey


  1. oh, E. That was beautiful. Go to moontown and read Chelsea's post Weekends and White Dwarf Implosions. It's beautiful

  2. Gee, Erin, I played music for him too (tho' I'm not too good!) Adagio in G Minor by Albinoni, and Bach's Bist du Bei mir (You are with me). Since I could not be there ... I mentioned him (and you) in church yesterday, so there were lots of prayers said this morning in your behalf. He's not gone, but I know it feels that way. I lost a baby too.

    Be well.
