Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Tofu Binge

Tofu Binge

Sometimes I'm empty

poetry consumes white space
- my literary eating disorder

Audio fluff & textual filler
with pretty graphic labels


  1. I like this a lot - esp. "poetry consumes white space, becomes my literary eating disorder". Well played. I have a nit with 'becomes my literary eating disorder' - for reasons I can't explain...but without it the jist wouldn't be there, and the jist is what rocks.

  2. How about:

    Sometimes I'm empty

    poetry consumes white space
    - my literary eating disorder

    Audio fluff & textual filler
    with pretty graphic labels

  3. I think it is wonderful except for the amperand.

  4. yeah, that works mucho better-o.

  5. I'd be much better off if I learned to spell...the ampersand makes sense after you explained it.

  6. lol spelling is optional around here Miss V - one of my recent entries sells whatever with a 3! Glad you understand my & now... you know, I think that's peobably the only time I've ever used one in a poem. I rarely use them even in emails and such, lol.

  7. how much was it? yes, I'm a smartass...

  8. lmfao!

    Yeah, thank god sPelling is optional! eh?

    Selling however has just risen to an all new high on the important scale... gotta make another post :) :) :)
