Tuesday, May 31, 2005


The sun sang

- a masterpiece
in salmon and tangerine -

Spring's revielle.

The coals were cooled
by her passing.

So, Memorial day has come and gone. Summer is on us - and I don't care what the solstice says. The pools are officially open, the "on-season" has started at vacation spots. The cost of a hotel room doubled over the weekend. We're on our way to July 4th, infamously rising gas prices, sunburn, roasted marshmallows and fireworks. The kids are out of school, summer school, summer camp and the holy rollin' SVBSs start soon.

My house will soon be flooded with other people's children, and the tent will stay set up for the biggest part of the next 3 months.Everyone's birthday is coming. June is Mom, July includes mine (32 ack) Terra's (2) Tommy's (16!) and Brendon's (8) and August will turn my oldest daughter 11.

Where does time go? What a cliche question, but damn, 2005 is almost 1/2 over people!
Only 207 Shopping Days till christmas!


  1. Gawd, I hate wasting time. And there's so much to do yet in life and so little time in which to do it. Happy Birthday to all (mine's in July) and let's do try and slow up a little and enjoy ourselves in our days, too, Erin. We deserve it, need it and it's essential to us chemically (ok, I just wanted to sound scientific there). 207 shopping days 'til X-Mas? It was yesterday wasn't it? Ugh! LOL ~ML sweetie!

  2. SVBS? I'm almost sure I don't want to know...

  3. lol S.ummer V.acation B.ible S.chool
    I live in the bible belt, in a big way. Every day life revolves around church, and how many times you attend, and adding as many church based/related activities to your life as possible.

    EVERY church has one, the kids go for the day, do crafts like basket weaving (Moses floated down the river in a basket) or making popsicle stick crosses, or one of 1000 scripture based craft projects. You'd be amazed, seriously, what they come up with.

  4. I did that one summer. I got a bible out of the experience. My brother and I both got one. They have really pretty covers.

  5. <--- won a Bible in a raffle once which was ~SO~ fixed (I think.) I was the only young person who attended Lenten Bible Study in one of the first years my retired pastor was here. Still have it.

  6. I can't believe that summer is hear already! You left a few things off your list, at least for us Floridians... afternoon rains, every day... grass that has to be cut bi-weekly, if it'll stop raining long enough. A new hurricane season, which means stocking up on essentials like beer and batteries. And holy shit! Jonas is almost a year old! My god, where DOES time go?

    BTW, what's with the tent? Are you moving out to the yard so that the neighbors kids can move in? Or is it more like a big cabana tent for parties and such?

  7. lmao the tent is so when the kids want to have 5 friends spend the night, they trash the yard, not the house ;)

    They love to "camp out" anyway. I think we're actually going camping in a couple of weeks, I've never been actually into the wilderness in a tent type camping. yay - pffft.

  8. Camping is so much fun! We used to go at least once a year, but lately the camping gear has been collecting dust. It's not as easy to take off and just go with an infant. I'm sure you can relate. Enjoy your trip.

  9. ohh camping. I was just talking about camping with some folks at work. i love it. the tent in the back yard is a great idea. on vbs -- mine was great, it ran from 5 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. -- I think to give parents a week of evenings off from the kids. :) I remember juice and cookies. MMM MMM MMM jesus juice.
