This is his little face directly in the center of the picture. I don't know if you guys can see it very well, but he looks like he's lying on his side looking directly at you, his chin is to your left and the top of his (apparently hairy) little head is to your right. Still don't see it do ya? OK, see the large black blob toward the bottom? OK at the highest point of that is his left eye, then above that is the bridge of his nose, then above that is his right eye... maybe I should go make another copy of this with some labels!

And this picture is called "Boy" for a reason, because I know how many blog surfers are looking to see some private stuff, if you know what I mean. How do I explain this one? If you look you can see, in the bottom of the picture, centered left to right, something that looks sort of like a turtle, yup that's it. If you can't quite get it into focus, let's just say he's aiming to the right.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe how beautiful, and what a great shot you got!
I am pulling for little D. with a whole-heartedness you can't imagine. From here, he looks like he could take on the world, if he has to. Hoping and praying he doesn't have to.
Look E, he's got his little hand up waving at us, too! He's beautiful, just like his mother. I'm praying for you guys, sending you all the love and strength in the world.
ReplyDeleteI was on your site this morning, and for the life of me, I couldn't make out the face. Then, just now, I popped on here, and his little mug just jumped out at me. How funny is that?! I guess it's proof that I needed some caffeine.
ReplyDeleteOf course, I start thinking about the movie Mallrate, where the guy keeps trying to see the sailboat. You know, there's a good idea. Put up ultrasounds as optical illusions.
On a serious note, I've had problems trying to leave comments here the past couple of days, so hopefully the third time's a charm. I wanted to let you know that you and your family are in my thoughts. I hate that you have to go through this, and I'm glad that for right now, you're still checking in and giving updates.
I just found this site, and I'd hate to lose it! :)
CRAP! That's supposed to be Mallrats.
Yay! How exciting. He's cute, just staring right at you. Another poet, I'd predict.