This is a photocuddler. It's like a stuffed animal, with a picture frame face.
After Alexis died my mother got one similar to this (but it's a bunny) and had Alexis' picture put in it, and had it set under a glass dome. It holds a little tiny panda bear, it's really cute, and meant a lot to me that she had it made up like that.
When I started Poetic Acceptance, because I had one, I decided this was definitely something I wanted to carry in the 'gift shop' and I have about 100 of them (all angels) that never ever sell. Like, never. No matter what I've tried I get NO traffic to that site.
When Nova went into the hospital, I took one of them (another bunny, the boy version) and put Nova's picture in it, and it stayed with him the whole time he was in the hospital. Now I have a matched set on top of my entertainment unit in the living room, along with all the other stuff, pictures and things, from both of them. I also passed a couple of them out to other parents that had children in the hospital while Nova was there.
So, here's my idea, since that site is a miserable failure, and I have all of these angels that were supposed to be sold for charity, I'm going to sell them for $5.00 (they're usually about $10.) Half of that will go to the Heart Walk, and the other half will go to another friend of mine who is doing big stuff in her area as far as CHD awareness and stuff.
She's started a program for parents that find out that their child has a CHD, like a workshop, where they can ask questions and learn about their child's defect. They have speakers come in and they want to offer each parent a copy of a book that has been considered the leading source of information for parents whose child has a congenital heart defect.
It's an awesome program - but she's not rich, and there's an initial outlay for the books and supplies and such that she needs. I want to help her out if I can. My Paypal accout ($5.54! woo hoo!!) is already promised to her for this, but she needs $200 bucks like now. I know I've tapped you guys out and here I am asking for more but this chick is doing all the things that I want to be able to do here, and I know what kind of support I'd need if I were doing what she's doing. So c'mon help a total stranger out eh?
Hi Erin,
ReplyDeleteBless you for having the courage to share your story. It certainly made me aware.
Becky :)