Sunday, March 26, 2006

artistic rendition?

Erin's version of the last picture of Nova. Frighteningly apt, isn't it?

The funny thing is, we call him Buddha Baby a lot, like, every night when I leave, I say, "Night night Buddha Baby. We'll be back tomorrow..."

Image posted without permission from


  1. Hi, E. He's precious, no matter how you look at him. How are you sweetie? Hanging in there? *hug* just you wait. I'm gonna surprise you with a call this week. :-) I love you.

  2. lol, I love you too Mary!

    We're hanging. Some days I'm hanging by my fingernails, but hangin' nonetheless!

    Did I give you my number (haha it's in the sidebar if I didn't!) Just remember that most days we're not home between 4 and about 10 (PM, our time) but I'm up till at least 1am our time - so feel free to call, even if you think it's too late, it probably isn't ;)

    pwcnepe... I can't make a THING out of a strand like that. Hmph!

  3. hmm...puke and pee?! LMAO I dunno...just came to mind. I'll call ya later!

  4. lol, puke and pee! Mother of 6, and I didn't see puke and pee! I must be slipping.

    Call me later, like tomorrow, ok? I'm going to bed.
