Thursday, July 13, 2006

7 dollars well spent

7 dollars well spent


  1. Very well spent, E. How much traffic does that site get daily?

  2. Erin, you're brilliant.

    I have an idea that I've been mulling over that I want to run by you. I'll drop you an email after I get back to the house today.

  3. Ang~
    I don't know numbers, but Creative Loafing is a HUGE thing in Charlotte, especially in the artistic (musicians, poets etc...) community. Also huge in the GLBT community. These are, IMO, the softer hearted folks anyway, and I'm hoping it pays off for the AHA, but it was only $7 and I won't regret it if I get NO donations from it, because if nothing else, people who read it will be aware of CHDs.

    I'm waiting with baited breath!
